I’m not sure if the expression “loo” translates internationally but this post is the start of my little sideline research into the standard of toilets/cloakrooms/restrooms/bathrooms/loos in
I received divine inspiration for my research at
“National Heritage Award For Loo Of The Year”.
Now, one can understand this prestigious (!) honour being displayed had it been awarded this year or even last. But, the year in question was in fact 1995. Yes, 1995!
Sadly I think their standards have slipped in the intervening 13 years and I doubt they’d win any awards now! They are not the worst facilities I’ve ever used (basically clean and well serviced) but lack of soap lost them a couple of marks.
So, for the toilets in the Crypt of St Paul’s Cathedral, I award a less than holy
I shall run my research until the end of the year and then award my own certificate to “London Ding Dong’s Loo Of 2008”. With any luck, word will soon spread and we will not have to suffer soap-less services any longer!
My most memorable loo experience was in one of the parks-not sure which one really. But the loo itself was all stainless still, running water, and black slate lining the walls.
It was so different from the public restrooms back home in Texas-we tend to have separate urinals for example, not an entire wall dedicated to the job. .
The stainless steel just told me that the locals were not to be trusted with anything as frail as porcelain.
Not sure if this loo would have won any awards-but it would have looked good in a sci fi film.
I really wondered where you were going with that first sentence...lol
Thanks, as ever, for your input.
SS x
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